Change Management
It’s typical that the nonprofit sector lags behind the for-profit sector. Interim leadership and transition management consulting is a “best practice” in the corporate world and is just becoming a recognized practice for nonprofits.
Most nonprofits think of filling a gap for critical vacancies like family leave or an extended illness. But fewer organizations think of interim staffing to build capacity during a stage of growth, to manage a challenging leadership transition, or to lead an organization turnaround.
At Growth for Good we provide interim staff and leadership — primarily for executive and development functions. Our experienced transition consultants provide change management consulting for some of the most vital positions and have assisted with reorganizations, mergers and acquisitions, crisis management, and transitions from long-term leaders.
We have been very successful in placing consultants that have a specific character for and expertise in leading change. One would think that leadership qualities are the same for an interim and permanent leader, but there are special characteristics that make our interims particularly successful for our nonprofit clients.
Depending on where your nonprofit is in maturity and/or the type of transition you are experiencing, consider the skills and expertise needed.
Here are five leadership approaches and styles that Growth for Good consultants provide and that have been identified by the University of Liverpool, Holdsway, and Manchester Business School in their research on successful interim leadership:
- Conscientiousness
- Strong Communication Skills
- Emotional Stability
- Extroversion
- Openness to Experiences
If you are going through rapid growth and need to build capacity, someone with conscientiousness and integrative planning skills is ideal.
If you are having an unexpected dismissal and need someone to manage through a crisis or turnaround, an interim with emotional stability and strong communication skills to manage staff and board will be essential.
If your nonprofit needs a turnaround, an experienced change management consultant who has led various organizations through reorganizations, partnerships, and mergers may be best. An individual who is open-minded, self-driven, extroverted, and can build relationships would be ideal.
One can say that these skills are central for any leader, but an interim consultant doesn’t have the luxury of time that a permanent leader would have. When stepping into a role temporarily, our consultants need to be able to establish stability, assess priorities, and inspire trust immediately. They bring an intensity that is hard to sustain full-time.
If your nonprofit is considering a leadership transition or needs to fill a critical vacancy – whether it’s an executive director or an institutional giving manager – and you are looking for the right person to step in temporarily, please reach out to us at
Photo Credits: Hans Isaacson, Ross Findon, and Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash
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