Center for Architecture #2


The fundraising plan we created with the Center for Architecture (formerly the Center for Architecture Foundation) emphasized the importance of developing a branded fundraising event, but leadership was adamant that it did not want a “rubber chicken gala.” Our team of Joyce Isabelle and Katherine DeFoyd helped develop and execute Guess-A-Sketch, a fun-filled drawing competition based on the game Pictionary with world-famous architects as sketchers and teams of engineers and designers. We created game rules, sponsorship and pricing structures, negotiated contracts, and managed event flow, logistics, online and print solicitations, and thank-you letters. We exceeded the goal by ten percent the first year and helped beat the goal again in year two, but most important we helped build a lasting model for an original and successful event that continues as of 2018.

“We could not have pulled off our first event without the help of Joyce Isabelle and the perspective of the entire GfG team.”

Alice Stryker, Center for Architecture, former development manager


  • Fundraising Event Management

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