Rename, Rebrand, or Refresh?

Many nonprofits struggle to make their brands unique, memorable, or relevant. To improve your presence and perception, do you need to rename, rebrand, or just refresh your identity? Do you need a simple evolution or revolution?

Your brand identity is how your nonprofit is perceived by the outside world across multiple channels. Your brand is an expression of what your agency wants your constituents to see and believe about your organization. That expression comprises visual, verbal, and sensory assets, such as your logo, icon, tagline, brand purpose, typography, photographic style, etc. Consistent use of these branding assets is essential to building brand recognition over the long term.

– Often confused with another organization or a government agency
– Donations are going to another like-named nonprofit
– Your name limits you from providing services
– Name conflicts with your current purpose or mission
– In a merger or acquisition of another nonprofit and you need a branding audit
– Officially abbreviating name

– Logo, icon, or font no longer represents your brand personality or purpose
– You want to differentiate from competitors that have copied your look and/or colors
– Desire to incorporate a new tagline or an anniversary graphic
– You are using a logo with a type font or icon that is not unique or descriptive

– Logo, type, and/or palette looks outdated or old-fashioned
– Your look and tone is inconsistent with your agency’s brand personality
– Mission statement no longer describes what you do or how you do it in a distinct way
– Logo is being inconsistently utilized across medium
– Upgrading website, social media, and/or signage and want your communications to reflect your current brand strategy
– Your logo is long/horizontal and gets reduced in social media square formats
– Developing a capital campaign or a special appeal, and want to retain branding equity, but make slight changes

“Growth for Good’s assistance has been invaluable. We are so grateful for their extraordinary hard work, insight, and experience, and most especially for their patience and good nature.”  Debbie Levin, Director of Development, CoveCare Center

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